2022-08-30 | THE MUSEUM

City and Territory Museum

A mirror of the territory, the population and its history

The history of the City and Territory Museum is both recent and very ancient.

Recent is the enthusiasm of those who wanted it, very ancient is the history written in the "things", in the looks and in the hands that inhabit the museum.

"Things" that tell the story of the effort and joy, the time for work and celebration, of citizens and inhabitants who have thought of the Museum as a place to store their memories and dreams.

Through the aura of those objects, the museum has taken on an autonomous life, it has designed an undesigned identity: continuously changing and living.

Inaugurated in 1998, the City and Territory Museum was designed in an innovative way. "Traditional" display of objects is accompanied by educational panels, models and interactive devices. A multidisciplinary path divided into different sections that describe the different aspects of our territory.

See also

Carta dei Servizi

The Service Charter is the tool with which the Museum communicates with its users and lists its services

Consult the Charter of Museum Services in pdf format (Decision n.814 of 12/20/2022).

Modulo per i reclami

Modulo bi lingue per le segnalazioni e i reclami degli utenti.

Il modulo in formato pdf in allegato, può essere scaricato, compilato e firmato. L'utente potrà inviarlo all'indirizzo museoterritorio@comune.monsummano-terme.pt.it. Riceverà

Municipal Library and Historical Archive

A treasure chest of books and a treasure trove of documents to discover

The Giuseppe Giusti Municipal Library of Monsummano Terme was founded in the 1960s on the initiative of the Municipal Administration and some volunteers.It developed above all as a reading and book lending