2014-03-26 | EXTRA

Historical Land Reclamation Information System

    The Historical Land Reclamation Information System: a web mapping project
    In the Historical Land Reclamation Information System, modern GIS systems enable out seeing cartographic representations from the past, superimposing the territory’s transformations (or continuations) on the current state of the places. In this way, it very quickly and efficiently makes clear the meaning of “transformation” and the need to “safeguard” all of the significant elements that have marked the various stages of human settlements and of the agricultural and environmental changes.
    The museum promotes research and studies on the various aspects of the Valdinievole and Montalbano, setting in motion a permanent process of raising the area’s cultural profile through publications, meetings, conferences, exhibitions, and educational activities. One such project is the historical land reclamation information system, which is fully searchable on the web and also available on CD-ROM

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